project Image: Cristina Mittermeier


Dr. Monk, MakeSense and community, 2018 - 2020

How might we give 11 million citizens worldwide an opportunity to co-create solutions for a healthy ocean?

The ocean sustains life as we know it; when it is under threat, so are we. There are clear signs and signals urging us all to take action and restore harmony in the womb of life.

WeOcean is a global community dedicated to building a harmonious relationship with the ocean. We empower and unite citizens, entrepreneurs, and organizations to co-create solutions that revitalize the ocean. In three years we will partner to reduce plastic pollution by 30% in focus communities and by 2030 engage 11 million citizens in being part of the transformation.

Our approach fuses creative awareness and collective action to incite systemic change. We believe inclusion is central to sustainability and are committed to unlocking the potential within each of us to contribute.

What is Dr Monk?

Dr. Monk is an international agency that offers research and ideation. We work with pioneering clients to develop interventions that will help us move towards a more equal, regenerative and compassionate future.

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